Generations are people who were born at approximately the same time, as a group, and especially when considered as having shared interests and attitudes. Each generation has its own unique experience about life. Every one of them have different view of religion, the way they dress and also the use technology.
The world is changing faster than ever every single day. In today’s society, technology is like man’s best friend especially among teenagers. They can communicate with their friends at any place. According to “Generation Next,” by Steven Greenhouse, “They use technology and the internet to connect with people in
new and distinctive ways; text messaging, instant messaging and email keep them in constant contact with friends”. I remember when I got my first cell phone my dad told me he didn’t have a cell phone at my age. He even said only rich people had a cell phone. My 80 year old grandmother also told me cell phones were not around when she was growing up; her father sometimes sent her to deliver messages to people. Now, Cell phones are regular. They come in different sizes and shapes. Teenagers can get in touch with their love ones in a blink of an eye. A friend of mine uses her phone to do more than just talking; she uses it to text her friends at least 200 times a day. For instance, according to the article, cell phones shape social behavior among teens in Japan by Warner Janine, “Japanese youth use text messaging to send brief, silent messages to each other in places where it would not have been appropriate, or private enough, to have a conversation before. Students share text messages during classes, as they ride the subway and in front of their parents”.
Since the beginning of time, Parents have passed down their culture and belief system down to their children similar to a lion teaching it cub how to hunt. In this modern world, teenagers are allowed to make their own decisions. They are permitted to make their own decision when it comes to religion. As stated in, “Generation Next,” “One in five members of Generation Next say they have no religious affiliation or are atheist or agnostic, nearly double the proportion of young people who said that in the late 1980s.” I can associate this data with an article I read recently on the internet. According to “Young Americans Losing Their Religion” by Harris Dan, “New research shows young Americans are dramatically less likely to go to church or to participate in any form of organized religion than their parents and grandparents.” As for me.” I have no interest going to church even though my parents are very religious. About 80% of my friends are atheist.
What used to be a taboo in society is now accepted among young people. From sexual preference to body decoration. For example, Generation Next states, ”they have either gotten tattoo, dyed their hair an untraditional color, or had a body piercing in a place other than their ear lobe”. I remember my parents used to restrict me from getting different kind of hairstyles. They told me if I did it, they would kick me out of their house. Now a lot of people have diverse hairstyles which has made it normal for everyone to do the same. I change my hairstyle every 3 months even though my parents are not pleased with my hair they take it like it is not a problem. As reported in “Tattoos And Piercing On the Rise Among Teens” published by Edu Review “As far as piercings, many teenage girls are getting their noses, belly buttons, lips, tongues and eyebrows pierced…Guys are piercing their eyebrows, tongues and lips, as well.”
Generation can simply be defined as all the people living at the same time or of approximately the same age. Every generation has their distinctive view on society. This makes all age group matchless. The next generation to come will be view as more controversial on their behavior compared to today’s generation. There will be new ideas and technology which will make the generation to come totally different from previous generation.
(Harris, Dan. (2009, May 6). Young Americans Losing Their
(Warner.Janine.(2003, April 7). Cellphones shape Social behavior
“Tattoos and Piercings on the Rise Among Teens.” Edu Review News Blog 2010, August 21.